Sunday 27 January 2013

Nada Brahma Sri Yogi Nareyana Kavi Shanthakam PART - 1

The Great Seer, Visionary, Mystic saint and celebrated poet was born in 1726 AD. at Kaiwara (Its a religious and tourism place to visit),Chintamani taluk, Chikkaballapur District, Karnataka State, India. His name his Nareyanappa and famously called as "Sri Yogi Nareyana Yathindra and also called as Kaiwara Thathaiah". He has written the book called "Kalajnana(About the future)". And Thathaih's life was a message to mankind and that the message is enshrined in his works. He has written 257 Poems in it 232 poems are about the Mankind And 27 poems about the future of our world and the book is called as "Kalajnana". Here revealing the two poems written Kalajnana.


Meaning: In the beginning I repeatedly offer prayers to the remover of obstacles and best over of blessings, Shri Ganapathi. Then i invoke the grace of Sharada, the noble poets of Sahaja Yogis, of great Thapasvis of all the beloved gods, of a worthy and inspiring Brahmin and finally of Omniscient and Omnipresent Lord Sri Hari.

Explanation: Melody is born inside of us as a result of the holy union of Prana (Life force) and Agni. This melody or Nada is of two varieties, Ahatha and Anahatha. By pursuing Anahatha Nada sadhana Yogis are able to realize Brahman. The Brahma Sakshathkara or wonderful experience is joy ineffable. The great Sage, Sri Sadguru Nareyana Yathindra enjoyed this bliss through Anahatha Nadopasana. Hence he became Nada Brahmananda. This bunch of hundred verses is Named "Nada Brahmananda Nareyana Kavi Shaktha" by him and through it he has offered unerring philosophical guidance for right living.

Popularly known as "Nareyana Thathaiah" because of his infinite love and affection this great saint who was a respository of transcendental knowledge and wisdom and in this collection of verses written in Telugu, taught how best to dispel delusion and snap the snare of illusion. Also, he has suggested how one can attain jnana and vairagya. The fisrt and the fundamental mistake that ignorant human beings commit is to identify the body as Athman. this delusion leads one away from the path of God-realization and lands him in a quagmire of evil. The second unpardonable mistake of man is to forget that all mankind is one and that all classifications such as caste, religion, sect, community and color are utterly false and harmful. Nearly century and half ago, this great sage of Kaiwara preached that the only division of human beings into men and women. Any other division destroys peace and harmony. So the very first verse of the Sri Yogi Nareyana Yathindra contains an attack on the caste-conscious people.


Meaning: In the Chandramana year, Vijaya Some (these years comes according to astrology) in the Brahmin community will die a natural death. Thereafter the influence wielded by the community will continue to diminish.

Explanation: The prophecy was uttered by Thathaigh more than a hundred and sixty years ago. Since then the year by name Vijaya has done two rounds. Every one knows that the power and influence of the Brahmin community which was at its peak when the property was made, have steadily declined.

om tat sat.


  1. namaste ! KAIWARA Thathaiah is my spiritual master.
    he is great person . is a blog about his Kalajnana it is under construction at present 27/8/2013

  2. It is the irony that a person who is enlightened has to say that he is enlightened today as the sage had predicted long back. Today people are confused and in dielama as to believe such a person as our Upanishads says that one who speaks doesn't know and the one who doesn't speak know. Ultimately it is the experience of the eternal bliss and dissolution loosing the false identity that matters....
    Om tat sat.
